
首届非遗中国年 向世界推荐艺术家—刘吉墩

2025-03-13 阅读(6274) 香港日报 原创 电子报

「导读」2024 年 12 月 4 日,春节申遗成功的消息刷爆各大社交网络平台。

The first Chinese Year of Intangible Cultural Heritage recommends an artist to the world - Liu Jidun

2024 年 12 月 4 日,春节申遗成功的消息刷爆各大社交网络平台。“春节—

—中国人庆祝传统新年的社会实践”被列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,引发广泛关注。2025 年是农历乙巳蛇年,春节申遗成功无疑为蛇年新春增添了特别的意义。

On December 4, 2024, the news of the successful application of the Spring Festival World Heritage exploded on major social network platforms. "Spring Festival - the social


practice of Chinese people celebrating the traditional New Year" has been included in UNESCO's Representative list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of humanity, which has attracted wide attention. The year 2025 is the Year of the Snake in the lunar calendar, and the successful application of the Spring Festival has undoubtedly added special significance to the Spring of the Year of the snake.

刘吉墩(敦),字译远,号春明斋主,1957 年 8 月出生于孔夫子故里山东济宁,国际书画艺术美术博士,美术专任教授、加拿大维多利亚皇家艺术学院客座教授,国家一级美术师,专职书画艺术家,国家民族画院特聘书画家,国务院国宾礼特供艺术家, Ⅰ.A.E.国际学士院中华书画审议院创院长,中国教育电视台水墨丹靑书画院副院长,中国美术家协会会员、香港特别行政区文联美术家协会副主席。

“人民书画艺术家”刘吉墩教授的国画《九鲤祥和》等二幅作品于 2011 年 1 月

10 日荣获钓鱼台国宾馆特颁的收藏证书。刘吉墩 2013 年 9 月获得中国亚太经济合作 中心、国礼特供艺术家书画评审委员会的《中国国礼特供艺术家荣誉证书》。其应邀于 2018 年 9 月接受中国教育电视台水墨丹青名家书画专题采访。其创作的《紫气东来》

太极三鱼图在 2019 年春节期间赠予联合国秘书长古特雷斯先生致祝其 70 寿辰,甚得

欢喜。其 2019 年 6 月荣任Ⅰ.A.E.国际学士院中华书画审议院创院长。其 2020 年 7 月创作的国画《搏浪击水三千里 跃上龙门天地宽》和《九鲤祥和》吉鱼图分别被国家博物馆、中国美术馆先后收藏。其国画《九鲤祥和》吉鱼图在 2020 年 8 月 23 日被世界皇家御本部评鉴委员会收藏,荣得世界皇家传世典藏殊誉。其国画《九鲤祥和》吉鱼图于 2020 年经“一带一路”文化之旅组委会中吉双方审核并通过外交管道正式赠予上海合作组织比什凯克峰会上的吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国总统,荣获中吉共同颁发的上海合作织织峰会国礼收藏证书,彰显国际文化交流中国国礼文化风采。

刘吉墩教授于 2021 年 4 月被Ⅰ.A.E.国际学士院大学授予世界最高功劳赏。2024年 12 月 16 日荣获UN—WUU1950 年“联合国世界大学总长”公认之“世界最早最高的审议评鉴机构”——五大洲公益法人国际学士院暨美国国际学士院大学(IAE&IIAEU)颁授的“国际书画艺术美术博士学位暨国际书画艺术美术国际专任教授资格”。备受联合国和世界各国政要及收藏界青睐的刘吉墩教授,先后见诸于美国芝加哥时报、澳门日报、香港日报、人民日报、文化艺术报、陕西政协报、陕西艺术报等世界各地诸多传媒的接续宣介报道。

Liu Jidun (Dun), with the courtesy name Yiyuan and the art name Master of Chunming Studio, was born in August 1957 in Jining, Shandong, the hometown of Confucius. He is a Doctor of International Painting and Calligraphy Arts, a full - time professor of fine arts, a visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Arts in Victoria, Canada, a national first - class artist, a full - time painting and calligraphy artist, a specially - invited painter and calligrapher of the National Ethnic Painting Academy, a special - supply artist for state guest ceremonies of the State Council, the founding president of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Review Institute of the I.A.E. International Academy, the vice president of the Ink - wash Painting and Calligraphy Academy of China Education Television, a member of the Chinese Artists Association, and the vice - chairman of the Artists Association of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

In January 10, 2011, two traditional Chinese paintings by Professor Liu Jidun, a "People's Painting and Calligraphy Artist", including "Nine Carp in Harmony", were awarded with a collection certificate specially issued by the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. In September 2013, Liu Jidun received the "Honorary Certificate of Chinese State Guest Ceremony Special - supply Artist" from the China Asia - Pacific Economic Cooperation Center and the Calligraphy and Painting Appraisal Committee for State Guest Ceremony Special - supply Artists. In September 2018, he was invited to accept a special interview on famous ink - wash painting and calligraphy by China Education Television. His work "The Purple Qi Comes from the East" - a Taiji three - fish picture was presented to Mr. António Guterres, the Secretary - General of the United Nations, during the Spring Festival in 2019 to celebrate his 70th birthday, and was much appreciated. In June 2019, he was honored as the founding president of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Review Institute of the I.A.E. International Academy. In July 2020, his traditional Chinese paintings "Riding the Waves for Three Thousand Li, Leaping over the Dragon Gate to a Vast World" and "Nine Carp in Harmony" - a lucky

fish picture were successively collected by the National Museum and the National Art Museum of China. On August 23, 2020, his "Nine Carp in Harmony" - a lucky fish picture was collected by the Appraisal Committee of the World Royal Imperial Headquarters, winning the special honor of World Royal Heritage Collection. In 2020, after being reviewed and approved by both Chinese and Kyrgyz sides of the "Belt and Road" Cultural Journey Organizing Committee, his "Nine Carp in Harmony" - a lucky fish picture was officially presented to the President of the Kyrgyz Republic at the Bishkek Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization through diplomatic channels, and he was awarded the SCO Summit State Guest Ceremony Collection Certificate jointly issued by China and Kyrgyzstan, demonstrating the elegance of Chinese state guest ceremony culture in international cultural exchanges.

In April 2021, Professor Liu Jidun was awarded the World's Highest Merit Award by the I.A.E. International Academy University. On December 16, 2024, he was awarded the "Doctor of International Painting and Calligraphy Arts and the Qualification of International Full - time Professor of International Painting and Calligraphy Arts" by the "International Academy of Five Continents Public Welfare Legal Persons and the American International Academy University (IAE&IIAEU)", which is recognized as the "world's earliest and highest review and appraisal institution" by the "United Nations World University Presidents" of UN - WUU1950. Professor Liu Jidun, highly favored by the United Nations, political leaders of various countries and the collection community, has been successively reported and introduced by many media around the world, such as the Chicago Times in the United States, the Macau Daily, the Hong Kong Daily, the People's Daily, the Culture and Art Newspaper, the Shaanxi Political Consultative Conference Newspaper, the Shaanxi Art Newspaper, etc.
